CSA Options

CSA stands for Community Support Agriculture. This movement started as a way for farms to share the season long burden of risk with their community. Farms would ask for a commitment from their local community to invest in the farm to help cashflow the early season expenses that occur when much has yet to be harvested. Seeds and supplies are bought and employees paid long before the first tomato is picked. In return these community members would get a portion, commonly referred to as a ‘share’, of the harvest each week throughout the growing season. CSAs have grown and changed over the years to mean many different things, but the basic relationship has stayed the same. As a customer you provide the farm a payment for future food. This might take the form of a traditional share, or as credit in a farm store or market.

This mutually beneficial relationship has many positive ripples throughout the community. Money spent locally tends to stay local, provides employment opportunities, and is an investment in keeping your community vibrant. Buying direct from a farmer provides them with the best price for their products, reduces your environmental impact by drastically decreasing the miles your food has to travel to get to you, and is SO FRESH! A CSA share is a great way to eat seasonally, try new things and connect with the people that grow your food.

-- Farmer Joanne of Mountain Heartbeet in Effingham NH

***This info is valid for the 2023 season only.***