Mountain Heartbeet

Joanne started Mountain Heartbeet in 2015 on leased land from The Farm by the River in Effingham. She is grateful to be part of a long tradition of farming and land stewardship at The Farm by the River. Joanne enjoys sharing her love of growing vegetables, and preparing and eating homegrown meals. She is a member of the MWVEG Board and hopes the collaboration between farmers and eaters will help to strengthen and grow our local food movement. When she isn’t farming Joanne is often still found outside hiking in the mountains and enjoying the natural world.
Products available: Diverse vegetables selected to bring joy to your meals. PYO - Red Raspberry Season Second week in July through second week in August, dawn to dusk.
Where to buy: CSA, Wolfeboro Area Farmers Market, Tamworth Farmers Market, Local retail store- Farm to Table Market in Ossipee, Wolfeboro Food Co-op.
Growing practices: Certified USDA Organic. Certified Real Organic. Woman Owned. Thoughtfully grown veggies for you with love.
CSA: The CSA that encourages you to eat like a farmer! 18 weeks of fresh, nutritious, Certified Organic vegetables. The CSA barn is set up market style with 6-10 items every other week to choose from. Along with all your vegetables, you will get the inside scoop about what's going on at the farm, new recipes, and space to connect with your neighbors. Pickup location: Mountain Heartbeet Farm in Effingham, NH Tuesday or Friday from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Cost: Small Share $325, Large Share $625, Fall bulk shares available, please check website. Subsidized shares available, please email for more information. Available weekly add-ons to traditional shares include local: mushrooms, chocolates, or flowers. Sign Up: Head to our website or send us an email.
Incentives: Need based free or reduced cost CSA shares, MWVEG Food For All Voucher, NOFA-NH Farm Share Program
Some products may be seasonal. Contact for more information.